Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen (A reread of a favorite book)

Pride & Prejudice is the answer I give anytime anyone asks me what my favorite book is. It's one of those "never-gets-old" books for me. I've read it more times than I can count, and I never let a year go by without reading it. This is the second time I've read through it this year.

Mom gave me this book to read when I was in middle school. My guess would be sixth grade, but I just can't remember for certain. I'm pretty sure she gave it to me around the time she grounded me from reading Harry Potter for a month and wanted to show me that there are other good books in the world.

The first time I read it, I remember being so confused and overwhelmed by the language, the long, complicated sentences, the weird names, the unusual setting and time period, and so on. I didn't really grasp the story. Mom rented the 5+ movie with Colin Firth for us to watch, and that helped me figure out a little bit better what was going on, but after watching the movie, I had to read the book again. On that second read through, I was a goner.

I don't know what girl would not fall for Mr. Darcy. I can't imagine the type of person who would say, "You know, he's just not for me." Mr. Darcy is for everyone... seriously.

Elizabeth is an easy to relate to character, who's very down to earth even amidst an entire family with their heads in the clouds, How she could have come from such a family never fails to baffle me. She's clever, witty, and fun, and she's not afraid to acknowledge her faults, which is enviable. She is quick to admit her failures or wrong-doings, and she's quick to forgive the wrong-doings of others. She lets criticisms of her go above her head and isn't shaken by the judgments of others. She's happy to be who she is and let others fight to be the best. I think that's pretty cool.

The world of Pride & Prejudice appeals to me on many levels as well. This time, the late 1700s and early 1800s, is such an interesting period. The way society worked, the way men courted ladies, the way families lived, the way neighbors visited, the lavish parties that were held, it's all fascinating and sounds like fun. I want to live in that world.

Specifically Pemberley. I want to live in Pemberley. That's my life goal. Unfortunately, I think I have to settle for continually reading about it in Pride & Prejudice...

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