Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 Reading Resolutions

Because my ABC reading challenge of 2018 was so helpful and fun, I decided to do more reading challenges this year.

As I read the books on these lists, I'll edit this post to reflect which book fits in which category. I'll also be writing a post for the books.

My first challenge is to read one chapter of Harry Potter each day. This is going to be difficult because I never want to stop at just one chapter, but it will be fun to slow down and take the time to really read each chapter.

My second challenge is to read at least five books that I own and haven't read yet. My TBR shelf is huge and getting bigger, so I need to knock some of those books off. Five isn't a whole lot, but with the other challenges, I thought five would be a good starting point, and if I read more, great.

  1.  The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott
  2.  Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
  3.  The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
  4.  Home by Julie Andrews
  5.  Do Penguins Have Knees? by David Feldman
***I double-dipped for this because I ran out of time, but these five books were on my TBR shelf and I read them for the Pop Sugar challenge, so I count them.***

The last, and biggest, challenge, I took from Pop Sugar. I have to read a book for each of these categories:
This is 50 different books, which is quite a leap from last year's 26 book challenge, so I'll have to work hard. 

I'm going to try and make each book one that I haven't read before, but some of them I'll have to reread, which is fine and probably a bit helpful. 

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